
Seven Kitchen Appliances That I Desperately NEED

Howdy! Happy Sunday again.  These days sure keep coming up huh?

Today I bring you another guest blogger!  Her name is Stephanie and I have known her for something like 6+ years? Our lives have gone in opposite directions but we still remain connected thanks to the interwebs!  She has been a follower of this blog since the beginning, and she wanted to post, told me so and then BOOM! In my inbox was this post! I quite like it.  I may follow up with one of my own...later.  Let's see what Stephanie's creative seven looks like first!

Seven Kitchen Appliances That I Desperately NEED (ok, want)… 

Lately I have become somewhat of a health nerd, which puts me in the kitchen A LOT. And unlike the lovely Devyn I do not enjoy the kitchen. I do however enjoy order and simplicity and I have found that if you have the right products you get just that (unfortunately the right products cost a lot of money…). So without further ado I present to you the top 7 kitchen appliances of my dreams. Enjoy.

Flat Top Stove – Who doesn’t want one of these? I guess people who like gas. Do they only come in electric? Anyway – I HATE cleaning the crumbs out of the stupid holes in the top of the stove. And I hate that the little silver plate things never get cleaned! It drives me batty. I have to buy new ones every year to save my sanity and when I am poor my sanity goes on the back burner and things get crazy over here. I desperately NEED a flat top stove.

Counter Depth Refrigerator – In our condos kitchen there is one of those little cabinets that sits in the corner on the bottom shelving unit. And right next to it is the refrigerator. The problem is that the refrigerator juts out 6 inches further than the countertop blocking me form being able to put anything useful into my lazy suzan-ed corner cabinet. ANNOYING. I desperately need a counter depth refrigerator.

Deep Sink – Our sink is decently deep, but not deep enough and it also is split perfectly into two sides. I need it to be deeper and either a 2/3 to 1/3 split or just 1 giant sink. I need to clean vegetables, I need to wash cookie sheets and giants bowls and I cannot effectively do that in my lame sink. I realize a sink isn’t necessarily considered an appliance, but I desperately need a deep sink.

Breville Juice Fountain Plus – I watch A LOT of documentaries and my most recent was called “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead” about this awesome Aussie named Joe that puts himself on a 60 day juice fast to cure himself of an auto immune disease. This isn’t your Tree Top apple juice my friends, this is fresh from the fruit AND vegetables juice. Stick the whole fruit/veggie in and OUT comes the juice! I desperately need this Breville Juice Fountain Plus so that I don’t have to do something awkward like colonics to clean out my gut.

Blendtech Mix and Blend – I bake my own bread, because I soak the grains for added nutrients and of course I want to know what every ingredient is that goes into my food. My Kitchen Aid isn’t cutting it people. I never wanted one to begin with and now I just want to beat it with a hammer every time I enter the kitchen. It just doesn’t have the power I need and when it’s kneading the dough the dough climbs the hook and it’s up all over the top, where you load the hook onto the machine. It is just aggravating. I desperately NEED a Blendtech Mix and Blend (which PS has an awesome blender attached that I also NEED) to make my kneading easier.

NutriMill Grain Mill – We lose a significant amount of nutrients from our grains by grinding them and then storing the flour for long periods of time. As soon as you grind the wheat it begins to go rancid, which means nutrients are dying off. Fresh ground flour should be stored in the refrigerator. I am still using store bought flour (Wheat Montana – AWESOME COMPANY!) because I don’t have a grain mill. I desperately need the NutriMill Grain Mill.

A Magical Griddle – Finally I need a magical griddle. I absolutely DETEST griddles! Every day I see that ugly thing sitting on top of my microwave or on top of my refrigerator – usually dirty – and just making my kitchen look UGLY with its ugly black and greasiness. My husband insists that he needs it for pancake making, because he can make so many more all at once. There has got to be a magical griddle somewhere that is EASY to clean and EASY to store! I desperately NEED a magical griddle! Have you ever heard of one? Do you own one? Fill me in!

PLUG FOR STEPHANIE'S BLOG – Check her out at www.FamilyHealthNaturally.blogspot.com where you can "learn all about my family’s crazy and apparently appliance-less (at least the good ones) journey to health, because even people with a limited supply of crappy appliances can be healthy."

So, what appliances are missing in your life? Could you care less about appliances?  What do you desperately need?  Show our guest some comment love, ya'll.


  1. Just a thought... Don't flat top stoves come with a built in griddle? 2 birds, rock on.

  2. What? Is that for real? See? I totally NEED a flat top stove!

  3. Anonymous2:18:00 PM

    You can indeed get flat top stoves with a griddle section, flat top stoves are ridiculously expensive unfortunately.

  4. Anonymous! Who are you?


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