
Seven Flavors of Bertie Botts' Every Flavour Beans


Day 4 of Harry Potter week here already!  How do you like the posts so far?  I am trying to write them from memory and by consulting the books - no Internet cheating!  Its fun to try and remember all of these things.

Let's be honest, we all wish that Bertie Botts' Every Flavour Beans were real.  Like honest to blog EVERY flavor.  Even vomit.  I was going to make a list of 7 nasty ones.  Then I was going to make a list of 7 stupid ones of things people wouldn't eat.  Then I decided to make this list of the Seven I would most like to try.  I believe all of these were mentioned in the books and they just sound worth a try!  Tell me what you think of these beans!

Seven Flavors of Bertie Botts' Every Flavour Beans(that I'd love to try):
  • Tomato.  As a jellybean , this vegetable might just be AMAZING.  Tomatoes have such a natural sweetness to them as it is, combined with the tart acidity...the math adds up! I wonder if they could make pasta flavored beans to go with it?  And meatball? Garlic bread? Too far?  Sorry.
  • Toast.  I imagine these beans would taste buttery.  What I'd really be missing is the texture.  Grating my tongue.  Oh and the grape jelly.  
  • Cheese.  This is very vague and I'm really only interested in the cheddar variety or Parmesan.  A nice sharp cheddar jellybean, that sounds great!  Maybe I could eat it with one of the pasta jellybeans I'm gonna make and call it mac&cheese?
  • Sausage.  Close your eyes and imagine rich fatty sausage with plenty of seasonings, including fennel.  Then put it into a jellybean.  Sounds weird huh? I'd try it.  
  • Mustard.   My mom's side of the family has a mustard affinity.  I happen to carry that trait along and think this flavor would be worth a shot.  Maybe with a hot dog flavored one.  On second thought maybe not.
  • Curry.  I'm no curry aficionado, but I know how many spices go into a good curry, so I am super curious to figure out how all of those many spices and flavors would translate into a jellybean. 
  • Spinach.  I don't really care for spinach as a vegetable.  Leaves.  Maybe as a jellybean it would taste less fibrous and more fun?
I never had any of the Jelly Belly version when they came out.  I refuse to, because I love regular jelly bellys and am afraid they would taste the same and I would be let down.  So it goes.

Who's down for a trip to Honeydukes?  I need to grow my chocolate frog card collection and could really use a butterbeer.


  1. Anonymous2:54:00 PM

    Loving all of your blogs! Keep up the fun!

  2. Hahaha. LOVE THIS POST! I am curious how Spinach would translate as well... I need some more iron in my diet.

  3. I wish anonymous would sign their name!

    Steph, I'm glad you like Harry Potter. I get the vibe that not a lot of my friends do. The bean that most grossed me out was earwax. I can't even imagine that. EW. Do you have one that skeeves you out?


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