
Seven Best States in the US

Hey you, how you doin'?  Ready for another holiday weekend? I am.

I have to go back to work for a day, and then I have one!  Magic.

In honor of the USA's recent birthday celebration, I shall present the blog entry I had intended on posting on the 4th of July.  I'm getting into the hang of this blogging daily thing, I just need to bank a few posts so its not an "Oh Snap! I need to knock out a bleepin' post today!" before I go to bed...

...at 9pm. Earlier than my grandma...

I love to travel and road trip and just see this great country!  I have been fortunate enough to see my fair share of states and I have a serious goal of seeing all 50 states before I die.  I think I've seen 15?  Seeing  counts as spending a significant amount of time in it, to be determined by ME.  Saw Utah in less than 6 hours.  Check!

The Seven Best States in the US, According to Devyn:

  • Tennessee.  Rock and roll all the way!  Elvis Presley's longtime home is here, Graceland is one of my fondest travel memories.  Who can forget the amazing bbq and the sexiest accents to grace my ears?  I belong in Memphis.  
  • Arizona. AZ has an unfair advantage because it happens to be my home state.  But with very little true winter weather, sunny skies 90% of the year, and the most amazing monsoons you have ever seen, this state truly is my happy place.  I don't ever wanna live anywhere else!
  • Massachusetts.  Hands down, the single most history rich state I have ever visited.  Never knew so much history happened here.  I was fortunate enough to spend a total of almost 3 months in Boston and I feel like I have seen more than the average tourist sees there.  They also happen to have amazing accents here, Harvard=Hahvahhhd.  I also met my first true winter snow season here.  
  • Texas.  If my dad is reading this, he will tell you that is all that needs to be said.  He was born in TX and is a proud Texan.  I often call myself 1/4 Mexican, 1/2 Texan and 1/4 mutt.   Another state with a seductive accent to me.  I'll take a tall, dark and handsome cowboy please and thanks.  YEEHAW!
  • Missouri.  My grandparents live in a small town in the country here.  I have spent many summers here.  I can truly say I haven't seen a greener state in all my travels.  Trees, grass, nature in mass quantities everywhere you look.  There are Walmarts everywhere too, if you're into that kind of thing. 
  • Ohio.  KM is from here and has way more home state pride than I do.  She speaks so highly of it, its hard to not love it like she does.  I went home with her one time and saw a sliver of what makes it so awesome to her.  Wendy's hometown! Yes please.  They also had a huge pile of salt somewhere for the winter.  Look there, that's our salt pile! Jealous.  I don't have a salt pile or a winter that necessitates one...
  • Oklahoma.  This made my list simply because I love to drive over the state line and sing "Ooooooooooooooklahmoa where the wind comes sweepin' down the plains..."

Until tomorrow, I bid you goodnight!


  1. Anonymous3:41:00 PM

    What other states have you been to? Now that I have kids, I have a Bucket List of places to go with them. New York. Missouri. Washington, D.C. The list is so long. It would be better to do your challenge - see all 50 states! Kathy Meindl

  2. In addition to these 7 I've been to: RI, ME, MD, PA, CA, NV, UT, CO, OK, CT to name a few off the top of my head...Such a fun task! I'm collecting a magnet from each one too. My frig documents my travels!


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