
Seven Smells to Grace My Nose (July 1 edition)

Hi!  Let's get right to it with a quick ode to my nose.  My nose works pretty well.  I think I'll keep it.  It does its thaannggg!  Smellin' smells, holdin' glasses, you know how it goes.  I remember smells vividly.  Thanks Nose!

Smells that trigger long lost memories with wonderful comforting feelings make my day.  Smells that only come along once in a while, or that can never be duplicated no matter how hard you try are particularly awesome.  A terrible day can be completely turned around by just one whiff.  Laundry done at my parents house in Tucson can do that to me.  I have the exact same washing machine and dryer they have, a completely happy accident I might add.  I sought out the exact soap/softener/dryer sheets combo they use(Costco generic soap/real downy/generic Bounce).  I watched and took extensive notes of all their water temperature and soil level settings(cool/cool and medium).  All the research done, I try to duplicate it a few times a week at my house but to no avail.  Sad conclusion: It.Will.Never.Be.The.Same.

Lets be honest, there are also awful smells that can severely wrinkle your trousers.  But this post is not about them...and without further ado here are Devyn's Seven Very Best Smells to Grace My Nose(today):
  • Cherry Jello stored uncovered in a walk-in at my work scented the entire cooler after lunch.  I imagine it was like inhaling paradise and boy did I inhale it well...every single time I needed dairy or produce.  Heavenly.  I even considered rubbing it all over the inside of my nose to never have to stop huffing that sweet, sweet poison.  How far is too far though, really?
  • Freshly Baked Chocolate Chip Cookies baked by the dozens at work.  I don't need to say anything else, do I? 
  • A (not so) Freshly Laundered T-shirt. The first shirt I wore this morning was last laundered in Tucson a few weeks ago, and I didn't like how I looked in it, but I'll be damned if I didn't debate internally for ten minutes before I took it off based on fragrance alone.  I have issues.
  • Honey. I had to make a recipe with honey in it today and the smell lingered on my nose.  This is honestly one of my all time favorite smells.  I don't even know what else to say about it.  More honey please!
  • Wet Dirt/Cut Grass in my backyard today as I watered my grass.  It was 110F out today and maybe the grass was cooking and that's why it had such an aroma, but it was real nice.  I may have cursed my puny lung capacity.  Oh Grass, am I right ladies?
  • Lemon Fresh Clorox Wipes were sniffed as KM was cleaning her bathroom today.  So fresh and so clean!  Nothing smells better than a clean bathroom.  Refreshing.
  • My Pillow is more of an anticipated smell, as it is calling my name.  It exudes a delectable mix of shampoo, laundry, and eau de Devyn(whatever that is).  Lulls me to a sweet smelling dream or two, nightly!
Basically you were just with me for my entire day.  A day in the life of Devyn's nose as it were.

Seven dreams to all and to all a good night!

PS I'm Sorry Mom & Dad, now the entire world knows 2 of the variables to your laundry secrets.


  1. Smells really do bring you back to different memories. I remember smelling Strawberry Kiwi Lipsmacker's for years and have all of these intense feelings that I couldn't place, until one day it just hit me like a ton of bricks - MIDDLE SCHOOL LUNCH my friends, some emotion filled afternoons those were. haha. When I was pregnant with Sophie I was obsessed with the smell of our Kirkland laundry detergent. I tried not to be a crackhead about it, so I just did A LOT of laundry. Some nights I would make up loads, because I had nothing to work with. I just needed to smell the detergent.

  2. made up laundry! pregnancy crazies! I appreciate that you keep it real, Steph.


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