
Seven Magnificent Ways to Spend Time With Your Family

Yesterday was the 4th of July.  Happy Birthday America!

I was busy spending quality time with my family and never got around to writing a post on the holiday...so today, on July 5th I give you Seven Magnificent Ways to Spend Your Time With Family!

  • Take a defined shopaholic to The Container Store for the first time.  Hours of fun! Did you know they make containers for EVERYTHING?  Just browsing is quite entertaining.  Let me just say that my family is well on its way to pure organized bliss.
  • IKEA.
  • Standing on the back porch with rain pouring down every which way, while getting soaking wet and pummeled with micro-hail.  Kind of like a massage, but not.  So much fun, makes all of your cares slip away temporarily.  I highly recommend it. 
  • Scrapbooking.  You tell your whole family about your trips and adventures which leads to them telling you theirs.  Next thing you know, you learned something new about your grandmother, your aunt, your supposedly angelic cousin and your own parents even.  All because you went to Boston.  Oh and now I know my one cousin who has always had an extensive wardrobe was wearing the same shirt for two school photos in a row! 
  • Sitting around staring at each other.  Often the best way to just hang out with family.  Staring lovingly into their eyes and having your soul examined through your own eyes.  Deep, right?
  • Eating a meal.  Laughing, hilarity and delicious home cooked food.  Steaks on the 4th of July? Yes please. 
  • Road Trippin'.  The single greatest family moments I have take place in the back of a minivan or front seat of some car.  Similar to that annoying "what happens in vegas..." phrase, what happens in a car on a trip is your carload's business.  You don't need to discuss it with the caravan, you just live in the moment and get a little closer to those you are riding with.  You feel old cause your baby cousin is now driving you around, for example.
There you have it.  These are all great things that I love to do when I am home which I have done the past few days.  I really enjoy family time.  I apologize for being so mushy-gushy and promise that the blog will return to full speed ahead after one more day of r&r.

I shall leave you with three words: Harry.Potter.Week.


  1. These are great! I can't wait to be done with school so I can drop down to one full-time job and see them again.. Seems I'm neglecting family all kinds!

  2. They still love you though, promise!


Keep it friendly, friends!

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