
Seven Flavors Of Kool-Aid

I love Kool-Aid.

I really do.  I always have and even in my mid twenties, there is still a pitcher in my refrigerator.

It has many uses these days.  Coloring your hair, coloring yarn, scenting and flavoring homemade lip balm and other crafty things.  Also you can drink it.  

I miss the commercials and the pitcher mascot.  Do you remember him?  Let me jog your memory:
image found here
 Seven Kool-Aid Flavors:
  1. Cherry - Far and above the greatest flavor ever.  Bright red and delicious its hard to not drink the entire pitcher.  This flavor is always in my house.  I am religious about it. 
  2. Black Cherry - A great flavor as well, more refined.  The grown up twist on the regular cherry. 
  3. Tropical Punch - I honestly don't know what flavors make this up, and I won't look it up because I don't want to discover banana ingredients.  It was a salmony shade of red and deliciously refreshing.  This flavor was always at my grandma's house in my memories.
  4. Grape - I love grape flavored things.  Some people really hate them, but I love them.  Grape soda, grape candy, grape cough syrup, and of course grape kool-aid.
  5. Pink Lemonade - I thought this was how you made lemonade forever.  Until I learned that you actually can make lemonade from lemons, those sour fruits that grew in our backyard.  My mind was blown and things were never the same.
  6. Lemon Lime  - I am a fan of this flavor combo.  I like that it combines them both, I like that its crisp and refreshing and I really like that it doesn't stain my clothes like cherry or grape.  Much lighter and easier to deal with.  Yes, I am a slob, get over it. 
  7. Orange - Almost as good as those Hi-C juice boxes but not quite there.  Extra sweet to me and a definitely delicious flavor. 
Please excuse me as I need to go whip up a gallon of the secret family recipe kool-aid since I just drank all of mine...  Wanna know the secret? Sorry Dad, I'm giving it away: 1 packet cherry, 1 packet black cherry, 2c sugar, water, mix.  Chill, add ice and serve. 

1 comment:

  1. There was a starfruit one that was AWESOME! Mixing is something that I didn't experience until I was 11 or 12 because it regularly happened at a friends house. We were a strictly one flavor at a time household. And my dad would get so mad if people didn't refill the Kool-Aid (we often left like 3 sips in, so that we didn't have to).


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