
Seven Yesterday (Friday) Happenings


I like to work on the weekends. Isn't that weird?

While I'm at work today, I want to share a seven part story.

Its my day off (Friday) told in the 7w/D format...I just ran with an idea.   

I'm trying something new here.  Let me know what you think.  It also brings the intro of a new tag: "TMI".  I'm excited. 
Seven Friday Happenings (in order of AWESOMEness):

7.  I took a shower. It was a normal shower.  Nothing special to report here, but I did exit my wet washing into a clean fresh from the dryer towel.  That took a mundane shower to the awesome level.  I have never loved a dryer more than I loved it yesterday, and you will soon see why.

6.  I cleaned my entire bathroom/closet/bedroom area.  If you have ever been to my house, you'd know that this is a single unit.  Behind door #1 is my bedroom AND door #2.  Behind door #2 is my bathroom(pun completely intended) AND door #3.  Behind door #3 is my entire shoe collection AND the rest of my closet.  I can't just clean my closet and skip the rest or just my bathroom.  It is a group event.  And it is a great feeling once its all clean and sparkly.

5.  I paid bills.  This is normally nowhere near my awesome meter.  It usually falls under the "grumble grumble" category.  However, dear readers, for the first time since summer began, I have money to spare.  To my infamous "water fund" it goes!  Water Softener or BUST!  In case you were wondering my next home improvement project is water.  New water heater plus valves and junk there, capping old irrigation lines in my front yard, installing a water softener loop and actual softener.  There is a lot of little things that I am doing here too but I don't want to bore you.  Then I can start having fun again, like buying a dishwasher!

4.  I had french toast sticks for breakfast.  As some may know, I am off of fast food, soda, cereal and general deliciousness.  I have embarked on a healthier lifestyle.  I feel great because of it, my wallet is much happier, and my scale is very confused.  Yesterday on a whim I had french toast sticks from the BK Lounge.  I expected an awful surprise, since its been so long.  Guess what? They ruled. 

3.  I washed my pillows and my pillow top mattress cover.  Fluffy things that had gone flat made me sad.  I could clearly see where my body was and where i liked to lay my (pretty) head to rest.  So I washed them.  Then I dried them in my dryer that I love.  They are downy fresh now and I am happier than I should be over this.

2.  I washed my sheets!  Easily the best thing I did all day, right?  Guess again.  I figured out I need a second set of sheets.  Its on my list.  Until then I have to wash and remake my bed over the course of the day.  Yesterday with washing the other stuff too, it took ALL DAY.  I had to make my bed before I could crawl into it when I wanted.  But the smell, the fluff factor and the general cleanliness was completely worth it.  I should have paid myself, it was that good.  Where's my checkbook?

1.  I replaced my roll of toilet paper.  This is another one that sounds stupid and misplaced on this list.  But it is absolutely where it needs to be.  Let me explain.  I used the restroom earlier in the day before I cleaned it and noticed the roll was getting low.  Usually that is the last stop for that train.  NOT YESTERDAY, FRIENDS!  I finished up, washed up and took a fresh roll from its home and set it in the throne room for the next time when I would certainly polish off that roll.  I thanked myself later because it was the single smartest thing I had done all day and treated myself to a car wash for being so. damn. awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Didn't feel this one. Even if you wrote it well mundane tasks = mundane read. Maybe that's just me. :)


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