
Seven Favorite Devyn Memories

It's not over yet ya'll!  I still have more friends who wanted to write for 7w/D!  Yet another debut by a repeat commenter, new author!  

Let's welcome Agent Z(or Natalia...) with the first of many posts she plans to write for 7w/D!  This is another friend of mine who knows way too much and I was weary of just how many of my deep dark secrets she would write about...luckily njust the one about the braces. 

Miss Agent  Z ma'am, Thankyouverymuchyourcheckisinthemail.

***Full disclosure, the profanity in #7 came from my mouth via my texting fingers.  I'm no angel, but I'm still sorry to my parents and grandparents...yes they read this blog.  - D

Seven Favorite Devyn Memories

In honor of Devyn week and in keeping with the theme of this blog, I have chosen to write about my seven favorite Devyn memories.
  1. Geometry class – where it all began…?  Devyn and I have trouble pinpointing the exact moment we met, but this was definitely close to the beginning, if not THE beginning, of our friendship.  We made kaleidoscopes.  We built stuff with legos.  She dazzled me with her genius mathematical skills.  I dazzled (or disgusted?) her with my ability to be completely obsessed with a new boy every week.  And the rest, as they say, is history.
  2. Elbowing her in the face.  Not what you would call a fond memory, but Devyn has a penchant for repeating the tale, so it might as well be my version that gets out into cyberspace first.  So.  High school.  Sophomore year.  Spanish class.  I had my head down on the desk and Devyn decided to sneak up reeeeal close and say something that caused me to fling my arms out and whip my head up.  I realized too late the proximity of her mouth to my elbow, and she spent the rest of class attempting to liberate her lip from her braces.  Devyn, I’m SORRY!!!
  3. The surprise 18th birthday party she threw me (and Lilian J!).  Have you even been blindfolded and thrown in a car against your will, wondering if you’ll ever see your family again?  I haven’t, but I have been blindfolded and daintily placed in a car full of friends and driven to a surprise 18th birthday bash organized by one Miss Devyn R.  This is just another example of Devyn flexing her “I’m an awesome friend and you are damn lucky to have me” muscle.  She successfully united all the different groups Lilian J and I hung out with, and we all enjoyed a wonderful April evening in the park.
  4. The cakes.  I was the envy of the school on my birthday, because I got a homemade Devyn cake.  She would tote it all the way to school (bombing down Aviation), present it to me with a flourish in the morning, and I would be fighting off well-wishers brandishing forks for the rest of the day.  Cherry chip with cherry frosting and M&Ms, some kind of brownie concoction with mint filling and fudgy icing…it’s enough to make me wish I was back in high school.  But she really outdid herself with my UA graduation cake.  It was a beast of a red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting so good I wouldn’t mind taking a bath in it.  But the most awesome part was the perfect Arizona “A” lovingly cut out of fondant that adorned one side.  The other most awesome part was the exact replica of the Gap logo that was plastered on the other side.  Seriously people, I’m talking PERFECT replicas.
  5. Off-roading.  Devyn has no fear when it comes to operating heavy machinery.  I learned this as I was strapped in to a mule and taken on a high-speed, multi-circuit tour of her aunt and uncle’s backyard nature trail.  It was super fun, especially because no one died! 
  6. Beatles Rock Band Night.  This was epic, you guys.  Devyn, her brothers, KM and I successfully completed every single song in Beatles Rock Band in one sitting.  Even the songs we didn’t know.  I’m not sure how things progressed from “Let’s do this for a bit.” to “LET’S DO THIS FOREVER!” but I’m glad they did.  Maybe it was the Macayo’s.  We ended laying flat on the floor doing more mumbling than singing, but that still counts. 
  7. Constant Texting.  This is an ongoing memory as opposed to one moment, but cut me some slack here.  As you probably gathered from the disproportionate amount of Devyn memories that took place in high school, I don’t get to hang out with this lovely lady very often.  After high school I stayed in Tucson for college while she set out building her career as a pastry chef.  Now I’m working in San Francisco, so the distance has only increased as we’ve grown more and more awesome at life.  Texting is what’s held us together all this time and across all those miles.  Mostly because I’m an a-hole and never answer my phone, but also because it’s the easiest way to reach out across time differences and crazy working hours to say “Hi, shithead.”

And this concludes my Devyn-riffic post.

Happy birthday, Devyn!  Here’s to many more memories.

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