
Seven Life Goals


Do you have goals in life?  I think everyone does, right?

Some people aim to pay the bills.  Some want to get to the next level  in that video game.  Some want to have x amount of kids by x age. Some wanna climb that corporate ladder! 

I have a lot of goals, way more than 7.  I have a revolving list that is completely intertwined with my own personal bucket list.  Its complicated.

Every year right about this time near my birthday I evaluate some goals.  I have taken some of my goals and narrowed them down to 7 that I'd like to accomplish in the next year(or so).  Crazy things to do before I get to that strange age I'm headed to!

Seven Goals For The Next 365 Days:
  • Canning.  I gotta try this.  I cook food for a living and this is right up my alley.  I have never canned anything.  I've made jams and spreads and jellies but never for long term preservation.  I read several blogs about this and I feel like I need to make my own pickles this year sometime.  Its also aligns well with another goal...
  • Live A More Sustainable Life.  This is for the betterment of myself and the world I hope to one day bring kids into.  I have cut back my plastic bag usage by 80% and that's a big goal.  Its a challenge to remember, its sorta annoying to the employees, but I am saving thousands of bags from hitting the landfill.  I am trying to eat healthier and buy organic and or local as I can afford or where its available.  I want to cut back my hygiene products this year(baking soda and vinegar shampoo anyone?).  Every renovation I do to my house is eco-minded too.  Basically when I have the option of living more "green" I am going to take it.  It just feels better.
  • Ride A Motorcycle.  Yes, I have never ridden a true motorcycle.  A mini bike once.  But never a scooter or a motorcycle.  This year, I'm gonna.  I'm gonna ride one.  Maybe it'll scare me away from them or maybe I will have a new goal next year of driving one.  We shall see. 
  • Gardening.  I am going to get rid of some of the lush landscaping on my property this year and move or re-purpose some irrigation and build a raised bed garden.  I'm gonna use cedar wood, its gonna be about 6" above ground level, and I'm gonna grow some veggies.  This goes with sustainability too, but mostly because I want that pride.  I kept the roses alive this year, good job Dev, now grow a garden!
  • Soda Maker.  I want to make my own carbonated beverages.  I don't think I want that silly soda stream machine, just a co2 charger and limitless flavors!  I love soda, I love carbonation and I want to make my own.  I am actively drinking much less soda because of the HFCS and sugar contents.  I see a Devyn named soda coming up folks.
  • Skydiving.  This has been a goal of mine for years.  Since I was about 17 I think.  It might just kill my parents.  I wouldn't tell them until after...but I'd totally do it.  I think one of my brothers is down too, so maybe a partner in crime will inspire this dream to become a reality.  
  • Spanish.  More than ever I feel compelled to take advantage of my heritage as a part Mexican and learn the damn language!  Its a beautiful language, a valuable skill and just something I NEED to do.  It would make my grandma very proud, I know and would make me very happy.  Daily I use words here and there but I need to make those sentences happen!  I need to learn Spanish.  

Know what I just realized?  By putting this out here I have just built myself some accountability.  I feel accountable to all of you invisible millions of readers.  Make me achieve these goals, ya'll!

Do you have any goals I should help you with?  Tell me in the comments!


  1. I wish I had some goals like this.... the sky diving thing would kill me until we jumped then I would love it. At least I think. So just push me out and I'm down!

  2. You've got goals, pay your bills on time everytime. Balance school and work. Keep grades up. Find a lady. Learn to speak Japanese. Beat video games. Visit your sister for fun. And we will def go skydiving together....

  3. Anonymous6:47:00 PM

    Is J my buddy Jeremy??? Hi, Jeremy! Boy, do I miss you and your brother and sister.

    And Devyn, you've made reference to your heritage before so I would like to know what you are! Obviously Mexican, but what else? I am curious about your last name.

    Kathy Meindl

  4. That should be him there...we'll see if he responds.

    We are Mexican and German on mom's side. On dad's side we are European specifically Czech, by way of Texas. Last name comes from the Czech part. Good ol' American mutts!

  5. Hmmm
    I too want to ride a motorcycle or scooter. I'd have a scooter by now if I had more money, 100 mpg is very appealing, plus I'd mod the hell out of it. =P
    And I don't know about skydiving, but I want to go bungee jumping...


Keep it friendly, friends!

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