
Seven on Technology

Hey. Just do me a favor today and click past this post and onto your next bookmark.

This is sure to be my worst post because I'm gonna sound like a whiny brat. (that is what I feel like today too!)

Today is all about technology. That devil spawned creation.

Without further ado...

Seven on Technology

- IT SUCKS! My trusty little red netbook crashed yesterday. Out of the blue. For no apparent reason. I'm very capable of fixing my techno-infused issues. Not this time. I've invested over 12 hours already and I'm PISSED!!!

- I hate how connected to it I am. Or the whole word is for that matter. It broke down and it ruined my day. I have an excellent desktop computer that I built, but my portable couch computer breaks and I'm a mess. How did I get here?

- I have a curse, I think. I tweeted last night that I wanted to be a professional blogger, even put it on my Facebook status. I was inspired by bloggers I follow whose blog was crashed after a wildly popular post. And then my computer crashed.

- I love it. I love being connected to the world, I really am a big fan of technology but when it breaks I wanna chuck it out the window real bad. Love and hate, I tell ya!

- I also broke my old laptop many years ago. I still have it, I can't get rid of it. I'm determined that I can fix it's booboos. But guess what, I can't and even if I could, it's not worth it anymore since it is past it's prime. Maybe it's a Devyn thing, but it's the sentimental connection. So as soon as I finish this, I'm gonna wipe it clean and finally part ways with it. We've had our fun, right?

- Technology is amazing though if you think about it. I traveled across the country several times back and forth thousands of miles and this netbook survives. Somehow something else took it out and broke it down. Isn't it weird? Tough, physically but alwyays vulnerable.

- About a month ago my phone tried to take a crap and die too. I fixed it. If I can fix that, I can fix this. All about the attitude right? I really need to look on the bright side though. I didn't lose any data, it's not my only computer and it's not a lost cause(like my other one).

Is technology this much of a bear to anyone else?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks everyone for your support. I love that I have 5 (and counting) votes of "utter crap"!


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