
Seven Things I Miss About Back To School Season

Hi there!

I've got another guest post for you today.  This time its from KM herself!  She is a lifelong fan of back to school but not for the same reasons as everyone else.

Can you believe we are almost done with back to school week?  Its been one of my favorite themed weeks.  Are you, my beloved readers, enjoying my themed weeks? I hope you are, cause I'm having fun with them!

Enough about me and you, let's get to KM's seven.

Seven Things I Miss About Back To School Season:

1. School Supply Shopping. When I was in elementary school, we would go to my school and get a list for what grade we were in and then go around the cafeteria and pick out all the school supplies needed. When I got to high school, my friends and I would make an entire day of going to an office supply store and pick out things we needed...or wanted. It was always a great time

2. First Day Of School Outfit. Growing up, I always remember going shopping with my mom and getting to pick out an outfit that I was going to wear my first day of school. One outfit I specifically remember was for my first day of freshman year and I got a blue camo jean skirt from old navy and a black shirt. It was in fashion then I promise...

3. Getting A Class Schedule. I don't know why I loved it so much but I loved getting my schedule in high school and then posting it on IM as an away message (since this was before Facebook...say what?!) and seeing what friends I had classes with...because really thats all that really matters.

4. Autumn Time. I grew up in Ohio...where there are seasons. So when I was going into school it could be a nice summer feeling day in the 70's or 80's and then the next day it would be a brisk autumn day. I loved it. Autumn in Ohio is amazing because of all the leaves changing colors and such. Oh I also started school in September. ..not august like these kids in Arizona do.

5. Seeing What Teachers I Had. This was sometimes a scary situation for me. I would check with my older brother to see if he had any of the teachers and get his opinion which was usually negative. Then on the first day of school, the teacher would call my name, and ask if there is any relation to Josh Lusk (my brother). I would hesitantly say yes and then the teacher would give a look of approval which meant my brother wasn't a terror to them or a look of disappointment meaning they hoped that I was nothing like my brother...love you Josh!

6. Seeing The New Freshmen. I wasn't a mean person in high school...ok sometimes I could be a huge bitch...but I enjoyed seeing all the scared freshman every year. I know that I was one of them at one point, and people messed with me too. It makes you stronger...builds character. Don't worry, I didn't do anything really horrible, just gave them a wrong direction time to time and walked in front of them so they couldn't get by =]

7. Seeing All My Friends Again. Over the summer, I was always hanging out with my friends. But it's different when you are in school. You get to see more of them. All your aquientences that you don't hang out with but still like to talk to, you get to do that in school.

I miss school sometimes. I miss taking notes and going on field trips and recess. I had a blast in school most of the time...even in high school. I made great friends and actually learned a thing here and there. What were some of your favorite things about starting the school year?

Answer KM's question in the comments, ya'll!!!

1 comment:

  1. I must say KMO, that despite our obvious two or three generations gap, you pretty much nailed all my fave things about going back to school. Although as a teen boy, I probably appreciated the incoming Freshmen girls in a different way than you did. There are indeed just 2 seasons here at Herc's Hideaway: you got your Summer where it's ridiculously hot and then you have Fall where it's less hot. Also, being a military brat meant that every year there would be new faces from faraway places and sadly some old ones would have disappeared without a trace or so much as a goodbye.


Keep it friendly, friends!

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