
Seven Reasons Elvis Matters

Today is Friday! Happy Friday to all of you 9-5ers.

It also happens to be my 50th post today.  No celebrations or anything fancy planned.  Just a normal day!  50 days in a row I have been posting daily.  That's quite a feat for me.  I hope you have enjoyed the first fifty days with me.  On to the next 50!

Today I have prepared a post on why Elvis Presley matters.  Why he is important to the world and to music, really.  These are my personal reasons and opinions and I'm sure everyone has their own but you are here to read mine!  I think these sort of evolved into Elvis' legacy, but I think you will enjoy them.

Seven Reasons Elvis Matters
  • Rock and Roll. He pretty much invented rock and roll.  He took his favorite musical styles from that time(gospel, country, blues) and fused them together and made his own style which eventually became rock and roll.  Rock and roll then dominated the music industry for the next 50 years, its no wonder he is called The King of Rock and Roll.  You can thank him for any sort of music you have ever enjoyed, technically...he's waiting.  Repeat after me: "Thank You Mr. Presley".
  • Dancing.  In his day, dancing was really simple.  A guy and girl usually did it and it was very innocent.  Elvis went on national TV gyrating his hips in the way only he knew how and the world will never be the same.  They actually censored him and only showed him from the waist up and it was the biggest debacle ever.  It set the tone for the dancing of the modern age.  How dare he gyrate like that!  Too late everyone saw it and couldn't wait to do it themselves.  Nobody has ever performed so sensationally.  Say it with me, "Thank You Mr Presley"
  • Blurred the Racial Gap. As a white man performing "black" music, Elvis created another hybrid style, which of course opened the door for modern artists and musicians.  Without him crossing these lines, we would never have Eminem, Beastie Boys, or any of the white soul singers.  Together now: "Thank you Mr. Presley".
  • First Album to Sell One Million.  This has no relevance to me personally I guess.  I think its really significant that he was the first artist to sell 1,000,000 copies of self titled first album.  He had that widespread of an appeal to the universe.  Is this significant to anyone else but me?  That's not even a record that someone can take away from him(go Katy!).  Its just his own personal mark on the evolution of music. 
  • Mens Fashion.  I wasn't around back in these days.  From the photographic evidence of the time I get the vibe that men were not trying to impress anyone with their looks.  Most had crew cuts or flat tops, leftovers from their military days.  They wore a shirt and pants and sometimes a tie on Sundays.  Simple blacks, whites, grays, and denim.  Elvis hit the scene wearing black pants with a pink stripe and a pink shirt with some ruffles.  He purposefully wore his pants as high waters and combed his hair with Vaseline into a duck-tail type style that will forever be attached to Elvis Presley.  He was a man with style.  Don't even get me started on his jumpsuits.  Too.Much.Awesome.  Mens clothiers and jewelers, pay your respects, "Thank you, Mr. Presley". 
  • Future Dead Musicians.  I'm looking at you, Estate of Michael Jackson.  You have the Estate of Elvis Presley to thank for helping you realize you can earn more money and become even more popular in death than you ever were in life.  On this note, cities of Memphis, Tupelo and Las Vegas all owe you too, Elvis Presley.  Graceland is the 2nd most visited house in America.  #1 is that big white house in Washington DC.  Never been to #1 but I sure have been to #2.  Thank You, Mr. Presley.
  • Las Vegas.  Las Vegas owes him.  He was one of the first to have a long standing gig at a hotel there(The Hilton even has a statue of him out front!).  His song has essentially become the theme song of Las Vegas.  You know the one, goes "Viva Las Vegas".  There are slot machines everywhere with his mug on them.  You can buy EVERYTHING with Elvis on it there.  His image and name and appeal has literally kept the souvenir market alive over there.  Also, on a personal note, Viva Elvis by Cirque de Soleil was the single greatest Elvis Presley show I have ever seen, if not the best show period.  I found tickets on sale last year but I would gladly pay full price again.  I am going to Vegas in November and am considering going again.  Yep.  That good.  The soundtrack is also worth purchasing.  And no they aren't paying me to say this.  Thank You Elvis.  I love you.


    1. Anonymous8:50:00 PM

      He was also important in showing how even the lives of the glamorous could be rife with pain and secrets. His death exposed the loneliness and drug addiction that hides behind the stage curtain and the persona.

    2. Congratulations and Kudos on posting 50 - it's no small feat. These webnets are littered with abandoned blogs so keep it going. At Herc's current rate of published posts, according to the old abacus, he'll see his 50th post early next year and his 50th birthday soon after, the Good Lord willing.


    Keep it friendly, friends!

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