
Seven Schoolyard Crushes


Check it out, this blog is about to get reeeaaallly real.

We are gonna tiptoe across the line spelled a-w-k-w-a-r-d and stroll right down memory lane.  

In honor of back to school week, I am putting pen to pad and writing about my crushes.  Yep.  All 7 of them.  

No, really. I only had 7.  Ask me about crushes AFTER school years, that's a whole 'nother story, ya'll.

I have a catch though, no names.  No distinguishing characteristics.  No nicknames.  Also, you may not make fun of me if you have figured out who I once crushed on.  

Or at all.  

Please don't make fun of me. 

Seven Schoolyard Crushes

The One Who I Was Supposed To See Titanic With.  He was such a blonde hottie back in the day(15 years ago!).  I had such a crush on him and we made plans to go see Titanic in the theaters shortly after school got out for the summer.  Then his military father was relocated to Alaska.  We never saw Titanic and I have never heard from him or about him since.  

The One Whose Smile Melted My Heart.  He was my first foray into the world of chocolate cuties, if you know what I mean.  He had the most perfect smile that would probably still catch me off guard.  I have several photos of him and I dancing at some of the school dances.  I look ready to pee my pants with glee and he looks like he’s giving a charity dance to that awkward girl.....ahhh middle school.  Last I heard he was in the medical field down south, Georgia maybe?

The One Who Never Knew We Were Dating.  I knew this guy for so long, its no wonder we both eventually fell for each other.  We were hanging out all the time and together non stop for over a year.  We saw movies, we went out to dinner, we rode the bus everywhere.  I eventually told him I liked him.  He said he didn’t feel the same.  A few months later, things were still very awkward between me and this guy and he slipped me a note and professed his very own feelings for me.  I was on to the next one by now.  He is doing very well, has made quite a life for himself but we never talk.  You win some, you lose some.  

The One Date Wonder.  This guy and I went on one date.  After flirting for months and making all of our mutual friends feel awkward we went out to dinner and a movie.  That movie was enough to tell both of us that we were not meant to date.  Also, second worst movie I have ever SEEN.  He has bounced from career to career and religion is ruling his life right now.  

The One That Saw Me As “One Of The Guys”.  This dude was really well liked at our school.  He was one of those guys.  We were pretty close and we bonded over similar interests.  He told me one time, and I will NEVER forget it “I love how you are just like one of the guys”.  That was when I knew I had no chance with this guy.  He proceeded to work his way through the entire class, so I wasn’t too keen on him anymore.  Nowadays he has accomplished his biggest dream...good for him!

The One That Was Younger.  In middle school I had this major crush on a kid that was a grade lower than me.  That’s not how you rolled at my school.  You liked kids in your grade or gazed longingly at the older kids.  We used to hang out at recess everyday and stand next to each other waiting for our parents to pick us up after school.  He has become a stoner/dropout.  Too bad.

The One Who Got Away.  Yes, the one you’re thinking of.  Don’t use his name, remember.  Knowing what I know now, I wouldn’t have wasted so much time trying to be his friend.  Less time trying to be there for him between his breakups.  Less fake dates, less false hope.  I would have jumped him in the hallways when I had a chance(probably still would...).  I kept up with him for a while.  He has been out of my life for over a year or so now and is doing well for himself.  I am happy for him.

So, you wanna tell me yours?


  1. Ha Ha! Dev is a functioning human with a heart! Ha Ha!

  2. I want to see pictures of these people and have MORE DETAILS! This is so intriguing! I wonder if I have 7 crushes that are worthy of a post... hmmm... I am going to go make a list!

  3. Excellent post. I always admired how much more composed you were with your crushes, as opposed to me (and other girls) acting ridiculous. :) But I'm one of the lucky ones who knew how secretly ridiculous you could be!!

  4. Steph - No pictures, sorry. Details? About how many times I wrote Devyn loves _____ on my notebooks? Hahahaha

  5. Lilian - I have no idea who you were thinking of, but I do not recall ever being composed about anything. I remember being openly ridiculous about everything and anything.

    Tell me more of the Devyn you remember!

  6. Kyle Coolman, Joe Miller and Michael Cannon....those were my three big crushes in elementary school. Never went out with any of them. In middle school, Andy Ciardelli, Alex Almario, Jordan Poling and Chris Foley. Made out with Andy because we made a bet on who would win a football game and I "lost" so we made out. Jordan and I went out a few times and were constantly holding hands during drama club. I never got to go out with Alex but we talked until the wee hours of the morning and were great friends. And Chris and I labeled ourselves as boyfriend and girlfriend for a week and then broke up. Epic love right there.

  7. I know who at least who one of them is, maybe another 2. I remember all my crushes from school years too! Nowadays, when I see/hear from them, I'm like, "Wow I remember being so obsessed with you and I have no idea why..." lol

    And I did the whole younger-grade thing too...I don't know why it's so taboo in middle school....


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