
Seven Favorite Lunchbox Treats

Last day of Back to school week, ya'll!  Are you ready for it?

I'm back and I'm talkin' about lunches.

Remember lunchtime at school?  It was always an unspoken contest between you and your friends to see who had the best lunch that day.  Most of the time I had a PBJ and whatever accompaniments as a pretty simple lunch. Occasionally, my parents would buy me and my brothers a treat for our lunchboxes.  Those were the best days! 

Seven Favorite Lunchbox Treats

Dunkaroos.  These are awesome.  Do they still make them?  You can basically make your own with Teddy Grahams and a can of frosting.   Limitless options too because teddy grahams come in several flavors and so does frosting!  Or even a homemade variety...now my brain is about to explode!

Fruit By The Foot/String Things.  They were both long strings of fruit snacks. One was rolled up like toilet paper and the other was coiled around itself flatly on a cardboard package.  Both seemed to last forever and were both quite delicious back then.  I bet now they would taste weird and seem very small.  Back when I was younger though, I felt like the coolest kid on the block when I had these in my lunch. 

 Mondo/Squeezits.  We were only allowed to have these on certain very special days because we were on the milk program at school and had to drink our milk everyday at lunchtime.  It was such a special privilige to have one of these, or even a capri sun(that you had to stab the straw in the bottom to be cool, duh).  I even remember these from my after game snacks when I played soccer for AYSO.  Anyone else remember that?

Oatmeal Creme Pies.  I would still eat the hell out of these amazing sandwiches.  I refuse to buy them because the entire box would disappear and I would get so mad at the thief.  I hated how most lunch snacks would get smooshed and be ruined or a pain in the butt to eat.  The cool thing about these oatmeal pies was that they were just as delicious when accidentally flattened in my backpack.  Maybe even better?

Hi-C Ecto Cooler.    Remember this?  It was the bright yellow juice box with the orange flaps and the big green monster on the front!  That big green monster was Slimer from the Ghostbusters.  I have no idea what the flavor combination was that made this citrusy but it was delicious and I remember drinking this any chance I got. In school lunches, at my friend's houses and even at those soccer games.  Gone now though, poor children of this day and age, they're missing out.

Sun Maid Raisins.  This sounds like a non-treat huh?  We actually had them often in our lunches and at home as snack but I freaking LOVED them.  I still love raisins.  But the tiny boxes sometimes got all  stuck inside and you had to eat a giant glob all at once.  That was like candy for me back then.  I loved it.  Just the other day at work I had a handful of raisins and was transported back to snack-time.  YUM!

Lunchables.  Back in my day, this was a very special treat for my brothers and I.  I'm talking before the days of mini hamburger lunchables.  The ham and cheese ones or the turkey and cheese ones with crackers were all we were allowed to have.  The picture I grabbed is from the years I remember but I don't think I was ever allowed to have the big DELUXE package.  That's a lot of food for a kid, methinks.  Anyways, the little candy was the best(duh).  I must admit that I truly enjoyed those meat and cheese products!  I want one now, but I'm pretty sure I would be disappointed with it.  So I shall hang on to my memories.

There you go!  My lunchbox faves!  Did you have any special treats?  Am I weird for including raisins?  Who wants to go to the store and buy some of these snacks right now?  I'm totally going to make gourmet dunkaroos someday.

Images graciously borrowed from herehere, here, here, here, here, and here.


  1. Umm fudge rounds...duh

  2. Back in Herc's metal lunchbox days, there were three treats he always looked forward to: Vanilla Snack Pack Pudding (it used to come in a tin with a sharp lid you had to peel back); Little Debbie Nutty Bars (heavenly peanut butter slathered wafers dipped in chocolate, these bad boys are still available on grocery shelves so get some) and as many Toasted Corn Doritios as Mom could fit in a plastic sandwich bag.

  3. DUNKAROOS! I may be wrong, but I heard they re-released them! AHH.


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